

Check number is even or odd

                                #include <iostream>
                                using namespace std;
                                int main()
                                {  int num = 0;
                                    cout << "Enter the number:" << endl;
                                    cin >> num;
                                    if (num % 2 == 0)
                                    {cout << "It is an even number:" << endl;}
                                    else{ cout << "It is an odd number:" << endl;}
                                    return 0;}

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Write a program to find maximum between three numbers.

                            /*MAXIMUM BETWEEN three NUMBERS*/
                            #include <iostream>
                            using namespace std;
                            int main()
                                int num1;
                                int num2;
                                int num3;
                                cout << "Enter the number 1:" << endl;
                                cin >> num1;
                                cout << "Enter the number 2:" << endl;
                                cin >> num2;
                                cout << "Enter the number 3:" << endl;
                                cin >> num3;
                                if (num1 > num2 && num1 > num3)
                                    cout << num1 << " is greater than " << num2 << " and " << num3 << endl;
                                else if (num2 > num1 && num2 > num3)
                                    cout << num2 << " is greater than " << num1 << " and " << num3 << endl;
                                    cout << num3 << " is greater than " << num1 << " and " << num2 << endl;
                                return 0;

Write a program to check whether a number is negative, positive or zero

                            // Check Number is positive or negative or zero
                            #include <iostream>
                            using namespace std;
                            int main()
                                int num;
                                cout << "Enter the number :" << endl;
                                cin >> num;
                                if (num > 0)
                                    cout << "It is a positive number:" << endl;
                                else if (num < 0)
                                    cout << "It is negative number:" << endl;
                                    cout << "It is a zero:" << endl;
                                return 0;

Write a program to check whether a year is leap year or not

                            // Check year is a leap year or not
                            #include <iostream>
                            using namespace std;
                            int main()
                                int year;
                                cout << "Enter the year:" << endl;
                                cin >> year;
                                if (year % 4 == 0)
                                    cout << "It is a leap year:" << endl;
                                    cout << "It is not a leap year:" << endl;
                                return 0;

Write a program to check whether a character is alphabet or not

                            // Character is alphabat or not
                            #include <iostream>
                            using namespace std;
                            int main()
                                char ch;
                                cout << "Enter the character:" << endl;
                                cin >> ch;
                                // Range of small letters ASCII==(97-122)
                                // Range of Capital letters ASCII==(65-90)
                                if ((ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) || (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122))
                                    cout << "It is a character. It is \"" << ch << "\"." << endl;
                                    cout << "It is not a character:" << endl;
                                return 0;

Write a program to input any alphabet and check whether it is vowel or consonant.

                            // Vowel or constant check
                            #include <iostream>
                            using namespace std;
                            int main()
                                char ch;
                                cout << "Enter the letter a to z:" << endl;
                                cin >> ch;
                                if ((ch == 'a' || ch == 'A') || (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') || (ch == 'i' || ch == 'I') || (ch == 'o' || ch == 'O') || (ch == 'U' || ch == 'u'))
                                    cout << "It is vowel as \"" << ch << "\"." << endl;
                                    cout << "It is a consonanat:" << endl;
                                return 0;

Write a program to input any character and check whether it is alphabet, digit or special character.

                            // digit ,letter and special letter detecter
                            #include <iostream>
                            using namespace std;
                            int main()
                                char ch;
                                cout << "Enter the any letter ,number and special character:" << endl;
                                cin >> ch;
                                // Range of small letters ASCII==(97-122)
                                // Range of Capital letters ASCII==(65-90)
                                // Range of NUmbers ASCII==(48-57)
                                // Other than these range are all special characters range
                                if ((ch >= 65 && ch <= 90) || (ch >= 97 && ch <= 122))
                                    cout << "It is an letter as \"" << ch << "\" with an ascii value of " << static_cast<int>(ch) << "." << endl;
                                else if (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57)
                                    cout << "It is an number as \"" << ch << "\" with an ascii value of " << static_cast<int>(ch) << "." << endl;
                                    cout << "It is an special character as \"" << ch << "\" with an ascii value of " << static_cast<int>(ch) << "." << endl;
                                return 0;

Write a program to check whether a character is uppercase or lowercase alphabet

                            // Uppercase or lower case check
                            #include <iostream>
                            using namespace std;
                            int main()
                                char ch;
                                cout << "Enter the letter :" << endl;
                                cin >> ch;
                                if (ch >= 65 and ch <= 90)
                                    cout << "It is an uppercase letter:" << endl;
                                else if (ch >= 97 and ch <= 122)
                                    cout << "It is an lowercase lettter:" << endl;
                                return 0;

Write a program to input month number and print number of days in that month

                            /*Days given by month*/
                            #include <iostream>
                            #include <string>
                            using namespace std;
                            int main()
                                string month;
                                int year;
                                cout << "Enter the name of month" << endl;
                                cin >> month;
                                if (month == "februray" || month == "Februray" || month == "FEBRURAY")
                                    cout << "Enter the year to check it is leap yaer or not:" << endl;
                                    cin >> year;
                                    if (year % 4 == 0)
                                        cout << "It is a leap year and it conatines 29 days in Februray:" << endl;
                                        cout << "It is not a leap year so it conatines 28 days in February" << endl;
                                    if (month == "januray" || month == "Januray" || month == "JANURAY")
                                        cout << "Januray conatines 31 days:" << endl;
                                    if (month == "march" || month == "March" || month == "MARCH")
                                        cout << "MARCH conatines 31 days:" << endl;
                                    if (month == "April" || month == "april" || month == "APRIL")
                                        cout << "April conatines 30 days:" << endl;
                                    if (month == "May" || month == "may" || month == "MAY")
                                        cout << "May conatines 31 days:" << endl;
                                    if (month == "june" || month == "June" || month == "JUNE")
                                        cout << "June conatines 30 days:" << endl;
                                    if (month == "July" || month == "july" || month == "JULY")
                                        cout << "July conatines 31 days:" << endl;
                                    if (month == "August" || month == "august" || month == "AUGUST")
                                        cout << "August conatines 30 days:" << endl;
                                    if (month == "September" || month == "september" || month == "SEPTEMBER")
                                        cout << "September conatines 30 days:" << endl;
                                    if (month == "October" || month == "october" || month == "OCTOBER")
                                        cout << "October conatines 31 days:" << endl;
                                    if (month == "November" || month == "november" || month == "NOVEMBER")
                                        cout << "November conatines 30 days:" << endl;
                                    if (month == "December" || month == "december" || month == "DECEMBER")
                                        cout << "December conatines 31 days:" << endl;
                                return 0;

Write a program to input angles of a triangle and check whether triangle is valid or not

                            // triangle is valid or not
                            #include <iostream>
                            #include <iomanip>
                            using namespace std;
                            int main()
                                float angle1;
                                float angle2;
                                float angle3;
                                float sum = 0;
                                cout << "Enter the angle 01 of the triangle:" << endl;
                                cin >> angle1;
                                cout << "Enter the angle 02 of the triangle:" << endl;
                                cin >> angle2;
                                cout << "Enter the angle 03 of the triangle:" << endl;
                                cin >> angle3;
                                cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;
                                sum = angle1 + angle2 + angle3;
                                if (sum == 180.00)
                                    cout << "This is a triangle:" << endl;
                                    cout << "This is not a triangle:" << endl;
                                return 0;

Write a program to check whether the triangle is equilateral, isosceles or scalene triangle.

                            //To check triangle is osscoles and equliteral andscalance
                            using namespace std;
                            int main()
                                float side1;
                                float side2;
                                float side3;
                                bool flag=false;
                                cout<<"Enter the value of side1:"<<endl;
                                cout<<"Enter the value of side2:"<<endl;
                                cout<<"Enter the value of side3:"<<endl;
                                if(side1==side2 &&side2==side3)
                                    cout<<"It is an equiliteral triangle:"<<endl;
                                else if(side1==side2 ||side1==side3 ||side2==side3)
                                    cout<<"It is an isosolces triangle:"<<endl;
                                    cout<<"It is an scalance triangle:"<<endl;
                                return 0;

Write a program to input all sides of a triangle and check whether triangle is valid or not.

                            //Check triangle is valid or not by input of its sides
                            using namespace std;
                            int main()
                                float side1;
                                float side2;
                                float side3;
                                bool flag=false;
                                cout<<"Enter the value of side1:"<<endl;
                                cout<<"Enter the value of side2:"<<endl;
                                cout<<"Enter the value of side3:"<<endl;
                                else if(side2==sqrt(pow(side1,2)+pow(side3,2)))
                                else if(side3==sqrt(pow(side2,2)+pow(side1,2)))
                                    cout<<"It is not a triangle:"<<endl;
                                else if(flag==true)
                                    cout<<"It is a triangle:"<<endl;
                                return 0;

Write a program to find all roots of a quadratic equation. And also find th nature of the roots as ,equal ,distant and imaginary

                            //Roots of the qudratic equation
                            using namespace std;
                            int main()
                                int a;
                                int b;
                                int c;
                                double disc;
                                double root1;
                                double root2;
                                cout<<"Quadratic equation is writtten as \"ax^2+bx+c\""<<endl;
                                cout<<"Enter the value of ax^2:"<<endl;
                                cout<<"Enter the value of bx:"<<endl;
                                cout<<"Enter the value of c:"<<endl;
                                    cout<<"The roots of the quadratic equation "<<a<<"x^2"<<"+"<<b<<"x"<<"+"<<c<<"are given as:"<<endl;
                                    cout<<"\t( "<<root1<<" , "<<root2<<" )"<<endl;
                                    cout<<"The nature of the roots is \"equal\" and real:"<<endl;
                                else if(disc>0)
                                    cout<<"The roots of the quadratic equation "<<a<<"x^2"<<"+"<<b<<"x"<<"+"<<c<<"are given as:"<<endl;
                                    cout<<"\t( "<<root1<<" , "<<root2<<" )"<<endl;
                                    cout<<"The nature of the roots is \"distant\" and real:"<<endl;
                                    cout<<"The roots of the quadratic equation "<<a<<"x^2"<<"+"<<b<<"x"<<"+"<<c<<"are given as:"<<endl;
                                    cout<<"\t( "<<root1<<" , "<<root2<<" )"<<endl;
                                    cout<<"NAN means it is an complex imaginary number:"<<endl;
                                    cout<<"The nature of the roots is \"Imaginary roots\":"<<endl;	
                                return 0;

These are some quiz for you to try yourself .>

                       *- Write a program to input basic salary of an employee and calculate its Gross salary according to
                            Basic Salary <= 10000 : HRA = 20%, DA = 80%
                            Basic Salary <= 20000 : HRA = 25%, DA = 90%
                            Basic Salary > 20000 : HRA = 30%, DA = 95%
                        *. Write a program to input marks of five subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and
                            Computer. Calculate percentage and grade according to following:
                            Percentage >= 90% : Grade A
                            Percentage >= 80% : Grade B
                            Percentage >= 70% : Grade C
                            Percentage >= 60% : Grade D
                            Percentage >= 40% : Grade E
                            Percentage < 40% : Grade F

I am going on the Ejtama Rivand💖 after that i am launching the some amazing project🙀 in the BLOG,tab tak ka ly Allah HAFIZ GYUZ😊

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