



    using namespace std;
    int main()
        int num_1=50;
        int num_2=100;
        int sum;
        cout<<"The sum of these two numbers = "<<sum<<endl;
        return 0;

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Task 1. Write a program that displays size of int, float, double, char and bool data types, use sizeof() function.

/* This Program is used to display the size of different dataTypes
       We use the function sizeof(dataTypes) :
using namespace std;
int main()

    cout<<"The size of Int_data_Type  is "<<sizeof(int)<<" Bytes \n";
    cout<<"The size of Float_data_Type  is "<<sizeof(float)<<" Bytes \n";
    cout<<"The size of Double_data_Type  is "<<sizeof(double)<<" Bytes \n";
    cout<<"The size of Char_data_Type is  "<<sizeof(char)<<" Bytes \n";
    cout<<"The size of Bool_data_Type is  "<<sizeof(bool)<<" Bytes \n";

    return 0;

Task 2. Write a program that compute area of a rectangle, whose height if 9m and width is 5m.Display its area.

/*This is a Program to display the area of arectangle
using namespace std;
int main()

    int height=9;
    int width=5;
    int area=0;//Intiliaze to zero to overwrite the garbage value
    cout<<"Calculate the area of a rectangle:"<<endl;
    cout<<"The area of a rectangle = "<<area<<"m^2"<<endl;

    return 0;

Task 3. Write a program that displays sum, subtractions, multiplication and division of two float numbers. Take any float numbers i.e. float f1 = 5.4, f2 = 7.8;

/*This is a program that dispaly the sum,subtraction ,multiplication and division
 of the two "Float_numbers"*/
using namespace std;
int main()

    float num1=5.4;
    float num2=7.2;
    float sum=0;//Initilaize to zero to overwrite the garbage values
    float sub=0;
    float multiplay=0;
    double division=0;//Take is double because its a chance to get the point values greater than float range
    cout<<"we have two numbers:"<<endl;
    cout<<"Number_1=5.4 \n";
    cout<<"Number_2=7.2 \n";
    cout<<"The arthematic_operations on these floating point numbers:"<<endl;
    //Araathematic Operations on it
    cout<<"The Addition of these two floating numbers = "<<sum<<endl;
    cout<<"The Subtraction of these two floating numbers = "<<sub<<endl;
    cout<<"The Multiplication of these two floating numbers = "<<multiplay<<endl;
    cout<<"The division of these two floating numbers = "<<division<<endl;

    return 0;

Task 4. Write reasons for errors in following codes:
int number = 10;
cout << number;
cout << number2;
int number2 = 50;
char ch = 'Programming Fundamental ';
cout << ch ;

  Errors in the code*/
using namespace std;
int main()
    cout<<"we have a code as:"<<endl<<endl<<"int number = 10"
    <<endl<<"cout << number;"<<endl<<"cout << number2;"<<endl
    <<"int number2 = 50;"<<endl<<"char ch = 'Programming Fundamental;"
    <<endl<<"cout << ch ;";
    cout<<"The errors in the code are as follows;"<<endl<<endl;

    cout<<"First ERROR:"<<endl;
    cout<<"In the third line we cout the number2 first and decalre and initlize it later.Its scope is invalid because C++ compilers compile it line by line "<<endl
    <<"The error is \" SCOPE_Invalid : a variable cannot be used in any part of the program before the definition\" "<<endl;

    cout<<"IN fifth_line we initiliaze the char datatype with a string but char dataType has store only one ASCII character and size of its is only one bit"<<endl
    <<"The error is \"  Strings are consecutive sequences of characters that occupy consecutive bytes of memory \" "<<endl
    <<"Characters normally occupy a single byte of memory:"<<endl;

    return 0;

Task 5. Write a program that converts Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius temperature. Initialize a variable with Fahrenheit temperature value i.e float Fahrenheit = 35; And convert it into Celsius
temperature. Hint: Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) * 5/9
Sample Output:
Temperature in Fahrenheit : 212
Temperature in Celsius : 100

/*This is program to display the Celsius to fanheit temparature
 Key point:
using namespace std;
int main()

    double farnheit=212;
    double celsius=0;//Intiliaze to zero to overwrite the garbage value
    celsius=(farnheit-32)*5/9;//Parantesis are used to discarge the priority order of division
    cout<<"The temperature in Farnheit = "<<farnheit<<endl;
    cout<<"The temperature in Celsius = "<<celsius<<endl;
    return 0;


Task 6. Write a program that swaps value of two integer. Display values before and after swapping. Hint: Take help from third variable.
Sample Output:
Before Swapping:
Value of no1 = 5
Value of no2 = 10
After Swapping:
Value of no1 = 10
Value of no2 = 5

/*This is a program to Swap the values
       int a,b,temp;
using namespace std;
int main()
    int num1=5;
    int num2=10;
    int temp=0;//used the third variable for help
    cout<<"The Numbers before swaping are written as:"<<endl;
    cout<<"The number_1 = "<<num1<<endl;
    cout<<"The number_2 = "<<num2<<endl;
    //Now Swap the Values
    cout<<"The Numbers After swaping are written as:"<<endl;
    cout<<"The number_1 = "<<num1<<endl;
    cout<<"The number_2 = "<<num2<<endl;

    return 0;

Task 7. Write a program that stores your name, rollno, age and degree in valid data type variables. And displays in following format:
Hi, my name is ------- having roll number ------- and enrolled in -------. My age is -----

/*Program to display the Information
       we use the string library and strimg dataType to store the stings*/
using namespace std;
int main()
    //use the string dataType because we cannot store the more than one
    //letter in char dataType so to store the complete string we use the string dataType in
    //string libraray
    string name="Muhib Arshad";
    string roll_no="BSEF21M540";
    string enrolled="FCIT(New_Campus) BSSE";
    int age=19;
    cout<<"My name is "<<name<<" having roll number "<<roll_no<<" and enrolled in "<<enrolled<<". My age is "<<age<<endl;
    return 0;


Task 8. Write a program that displays average of three numbers. Hardcode values of variables

/*Program to display the Average of three variables*/
using namespace std;
int main()

    int num1=5;
    float num2=8.9;
    double num3=9.888;
    double average=0;//Intiliaze to zero to overwrite the garbage value
    average=(num1+num2+num3)/3;//Parantesis are used to discarge the priority order of division
    cout<<"Number 1 = "<<num1<<endl;
    cout<<"Number 2 = "<<num2<<endl;
    cout<<"Number 3 = "<<num3<<endl;
    cout<<"The average of these three numbers = "<<average<<endl;
    return 0;


Task 9. Write a program in which you store float value in int variable. Explain the output.

/*Program to check float in int*/
using namespace std;
int main()
    int num1=7.98;
    cout<<"The number_1 is equal to = "<<num1<<endl;

    cout<<"I store the varible in int as 7.98 in source code but in console answer is 7"<<endl
    <<"Beacuse when we store the floating point variable in int dataType it ignores the values after the(.)"<<endl
    <<"Integer dataType only stores the integer values without point values"<<endl
    <<"To store the variable with the point_values we use the float dataType properly"<<endl;

    return 0;


Task 10. Suppose an employee gets paid every month and earns 2000 each pay period. In a year the employee gets paid 12 times. Write a program that defines the following variables:
payAmount; this variable will hold the amount of pay the employee earns each pay period.
payPeriods; this variable will hold the number of pay periods in a year.
annualPay; this variable will hold the employee’s total annual pay, which will be calculated.
Display the value of annualPay variable.
Hint: Employee’s total annual pay can be calculated by multiplying employee’s pay amount by number of pay periods in a year

/*Program to display the anual_pay of user income */
using namespace std;
int main()

    int pay_Amount=2000;
    int pay_Periods=12;
    int annual_Pay=0;//Intiliaze to zero to overwrite the garbage value
    cout<<"The amount of pay the employee earns each pay period = "<<pay_Amount<<endl;
    cout<<"The number of pay periods in a year = "<<pay_Periods<<endl;
    cout<<"The employee\'s total annual pay, which will be calculated = "<<annual_Pay<<endl;

    return 0;

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